Do this protocol for 1 month, if no change occurs in your bowel movements we need to go to phase two!
Contact me for a Wellness Consultation Vanessa Goldeen Bridge to Health A Commonsense Approach to Wellness Certified Wellness Consultant / I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist / Certified Chi Nei Tsang Practitioner 805-235-8071
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapies have been in use in the US since the 1920's. I have personally been using it in various applications for over 10 years. Here's a little overview of it's chemistry from Wikipedia... Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound with the formula H2O2. In its pure form, it is a pale blue, clear liquid, slightly more viscous than water. Hydrogen peroxide is the simplest form of peroxide (a compound with an oxygen–oxygen single bond). It is used as an oxidizer, bleaching agent and antiseptic. Concentrated hydrogen peroxide, or "high-test peroxide", is a reactive oxygen species. Its chemistry is dominated by the nature of its unstable peroxide bond. Hydrogen peroxide is unstable and slowly decomposes in the presence of light. Because of its instability, hydrogen peroxide is typically stored with a stabilizer in a weakly acidic solution. Hydrogen peroxide is found in biological systems including the human body, fruits and vegetables. Some of the benefits of H2O2 are:
From a natural healing perspective lack of oxygen in the body leads to a reduction in the function of elimination/detoxification powers and immunity begins to be undermined. Hydrogen Peroxide in only a part of the whole picture of lifestyle and dietary factors that can when employed with diligence improve one's health and possibly reverse a wide variety of health issues. The Many Therapeutic & Household uses of H2O2:
"A recent study revealed that a large percentage of listings and websites with health and dietary supplements now offered online are made in people's kitchens and garages. Less than 20% of such products contain any of the advertised ingredient(s). Grocery and hardware store chemicals diluted with water are falsely labeled as health supplements with no sanitation standards. These sellers prefer to list their products on Amazon, EBay, Etsy since no phone number is required, Most consumers will not research the seller and company name and reputation or investigate the seller or company. "Buyer beware" especially applies to health products sold online." Modified from the Guardian of Eden website. I have included a modified version of this warning from The Guardian of Eden website. They are the only company I will purchase my H2O2 products from. I have been purchasing from the for over 10 years. Their website is certainly a bit dated, but their information and their products are of the highest standards.
Many folks who have moved past the Standard American Diet, eat healthy and exercise regularly may still find themselves unable to experience a full joy in life. They likely are suffering from a case of mistaken identity that creates barrier and perpetuates a viscous cycle.
To clarify one must understand that in all life situations we adopt identities that serve us in the function of our daily lives. Wife, mother, sister, daughter, co-worker, friend etc. These identities are variations of personality which develops over time as one discovers what works best for them on the path their life is taking. When, in our early life we experience repeated traumas or even as an adult we experience a life changing trauma, we may develop identities as coping tools. Sometimes that "coping identity" can take over the personality and drive one to patterns of behaviors that no longer serve us. In essence we become imprisoned by a false self. This false self was the best we could do at one point in life, but when it begins to rule subconsciously we often find residual symptoms affecting us. Trauma stores in the body as energy. This trapped energy leads to all sorts of issues such as depression, anger, fatigue, anxiety, feelings of being manic or powerless. Included are physical complaints and roaming symptoms. The list goes on and on! How can we free ourselves from this cycle? Well, here's the good news! The brain, which serves us best when we rely on it for it's intended use...logistical functioning and day to day organization, has another function that is fail proof. It records every event that has ever transpired in your life. It knows the exact moment you began to develop a coping identity. It knows all the components of the situation you found yourself in at that moment. It is literally able to take you back to that exact moment or Zero Point during which your perspective was changed and you began to adopt behavior to survive. The survival identity is crucial because as a child or someone who has experienced an adult trauma survival is of the upmost importance. So here's the rub...when the trauma identity begins to rule and overbear all behavior you are stuck in a maze that seems impenetrable, which is an illusion. The Zero Point is a guided process where by the moment of development of identities is revealed and the associated trauma is allowed to unwind in the natural way the body and brain are meant to do. Our inner most brain contains what is referred to as the primitive or reptilian brain. It is this part of the brain that is programmed to deal with trauma though the mechanism of fight or flight. Animals naturally process traumas and never need the help of a psychiatrist or therapist. Read more about trauma One hour +/- Zero Point sessions begin with a bit of conversation enabling the facilitator to get a line on what seems to be the predominate issues of the client. The process begins with the client reclining on a massage table, some centering exercises and then entering into a guided focus on bodily sensations and emotional states. The subconscious mind is free to explore and reveal all events connected to the current issue. The mind guides the individual to the moment in which an identity and coping mechanism began to develop. Guidance continues as the identity is explored and exposed, then released. The process happens without reigniting original traumas or emotional states, no catharsis required! Zero Point brings us back to the our original self from which we have the peace and freedom to make choices unhindered by past missteps or trauma. Book a Session For questions about the Zero Point Process feel free to email, call or text Certified Wellness Consultant Vanessa Goldeen 805-235-8071 / [email protected] The benefits of coffee enemas is well know in the circles of true naturopathic medicine and holistic healing. Learn more about why coffee is beneficial for improving health, "Benefits of Coffee Infusions" Coffee enemas stimulate the excretions of bile and enhance your body's ability to make glutathione, a molecule found naturally in your body. Produced by the liver, glutathione is made up of three amino acids: L-cysteine, glycine, and L-glutamate. Glutathione is thought to offer antioxidant effects, as well as stimulate the immune system. Getting your body to produce its own glutathione is far superior to any form of supplementation! Doing them at home is not complicated, once you get the hang if it. You'll find a weekly coffee enema will support your regular detoxification.
Here is a list of things you'll need.
Shopping Gallery - Click on the images to purchase Prep the coffee for a single enema:
This method is ideal for anyone doing coffee enemas daily. Making smaller batches divide all amounts by 1/4.
NOTE: The brewed coffee will stay good in the frig for 2 weeks. Location, location ....where is best to do your enema Make yourself comfy. Using a camping sleep pad or a doggy bed mat, with a blanket or towel over it. A narrow bathtub is confining, simply set up on the floor of the bathroom, with a "S" hook on the towel bar or hook above the area I set up.
This seems like a lot of work! It is a bot challenging to get it all going at the same time but, when you get the routine down it's no big deal compared to the boost it gives your immune system. Questions or comments are welcome! In addition to coffee enemas there are other combinations of herbs and other supports you can use in the enema form. Read the BTH Blog, "Implants and Infusions" to learn more! |
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