THESE IDEOLOGIES AND FADS DO NOT WORK AND ARE UNSUSTAINABLE! WHAT DOES WORK IS A CONSISTENTLY DILIGENT ATTEMPT TO MAKE BETTER CHOICES. I have seen many fads in the health and diet industry come and go over the years. Most of them are unlivable! Eating dogmatically according to some philosophy be it Keto, Vegan, Vegetarian, Fruitarian or the "#@%& it all" SAD Diet which many people still believe it doesn't matter what you eat. Many companies offer a panacea of supplemental nutrient support. They say you can't be healthy unless you consume our protein shake and other nutrient capsules. Costly and unsustainable, certainly not natural! One of the more recent fads is intermittent fasting. This means restricting food intake on a daily basis by extending your nighttime food'less fasting period by not eating until later in the day. In most cases early afternoon. This is okay on occasion, but when practiced as a lifestyle it is dangerous to your health. Followed consistently intermittent fasting can lead to nutritional deficiencies, anorexia, binge eating, blood sugar fluctuations and metabolic imbalances. As a general rule the body does best on a regular consistent schedule. Your liver has the ability to anticipate what you are going to eat and when. This pattern is the "hum" of your daily biological life. When you force the body to fast consistently and continuously the body's natural metabolic rhythms are thrown off. On the other hand, when we fast for over three days the body goes into ketosis and begins to burn off any cellular debris. This state allows for consistency in blood sugar levels due to auto-metabolism. In other words your immune system is breaking down cellular debris and the protein byproducts are now available to the body. The longer you fast the deeper the cleansing effects. Here's the difference...when you break a fast you reintroduce foods slowly. Starting from very light foods and gradually working your way back to protein rich foods and fats. This gradual transition is biologically programmed into your body's DNA. Fasting is a natural part of the cycle of life. Intermittent fasting doesn't bring the body into a true state of ketosis. It is stressful to the adrenals and liver. It can lead to eating heavier meals to make up for the calorie deficit. Eventually metabolism lowers and although you may have some short term benefits of feeling lighter and losing some weight, in the long run your appestat (the region of the hypothalamus of the brain which is believed to control a person's appetite for food.) will be thrown off. Proponents of intermittent fasting are not always looking at the bigger picture of the health of the body over time. There is a tendency in this community to place importance on being thinner and having less body fat with an underlying drive to always be "working" at controlling the body through the mind! That is not a natural way to live. We want to endeavor to find our own balance. This balance comes from within. That is not to say you may have a period of time in which your appetite is lower. Pay attention to that and accommodate your needs in a way that is right for you. That may mean skipping a meal, or going lighter for a few days. It may mean you undertake a season of detoxing or fasting. But then you regain your balance and allow the body to get back to it's daily rhythm, naturally! The same holds true for eating ideologies...Keto, Vegan, Vegetarian, fruitarian, raw food. Your cells may not agree with your ideological of dogmatic food strategy! You may believe you are making the planet a better place by eating vegan and you would be right in that your elimination of animal products is creating a tiny impact on consumption, supply and demand. You may feel better for now, but this lifestyle is fraught with the potential for nutritional deficiencies that can be dangerous and impactful as you age. If this is your choice, you must be well educated to maintain your nutritional balance. The same is true for keto, which is the Atkins Diet recirculated. Dr. Atkins died of a heart attack! This is a diet fraught with imbalances. Healthy forms of carbohydrate are important sources of fiber, zinc and other nutrients. The truth is humans are omnivores. We can eat all kinds of things! That's why we have survived all these 1000's of years. However the best diet is one that stays close to natural. Staying away from processed foods, trans fats and junk foods is just smart. I love the way Michael Pollan puts it, "eat food, not too much, mostly plants# My belief is that a healthier body and mind come from making consistently better choices based on loving yourself. Think of it this way, would you impose upon child or pet some of the crazy diets and fads you have tried? Would you stuff nutrient pills down their throats or make them drink awful combinations of things that taste terrible. Would you feed that child or pet the SAD diet, forcing them to eat it in spite of seeing that it's making them fat and unhealthy! Have you done this to yourself? Here's the good news....regular seasonal detoxing gives you a chance to hit the RESET BUTTON! Detoxing and fasting resets the appestat, the part of your brain that controls hunger and a sense of satisfaction. The cleaner and stronger feeling you have in the body after a detox sets a new normal for you, becoming a motivating factor in consistently making better choices. As you continue to move forward with regular weekly mini-detoxes and longer seasonal detoxes you will find that you will gravitate toward what "feels good" in your body. You may have that cheeseburger and fires, and one cheeseburger does not your whole life make, but you will notice that it's heavy, greasy and not the nourishment that works best for you. So, the next time you have a choice you may only have the fries and a salad as a way of LOVING YOURSELF! Consistently making better choices!!! Naturally Bridge to Health offers Detoxification options such as Seasonal Detoxes, Natural Weight Loss and 30 Day Detox Plans as an integrated part of a health balanced lifestyle.
Certified Wellness Consultant, Vanessa Goldeen offers a free 15 minute phone consult to help guide you to making good choices to improve your health and wellbeing. Book you Session Today!
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June 2024