![]() EVERYONE KNOWS....getting the flu is not fun and for those with compromised immunity a severe case of the influenza can be life threatening. However, common use of the "flu Shot" or inoculation is misleading in terms of the vaccine's ability to prevent you from getting the flu. The University of Chicago's Biological Sciences Department has this to say about the fallibility of the yearly "flu Shot", "Why doesn't the flu vaccine work, sometimes?". These inoculations can be dangerous and are toxic, some contain mercury, some do not. There are many reason vaccines for the flu don't always work, but let's dig deeper into what happens with your immune system when you do get a case of influenza. I was delighted to find ample documentation to prove my long standing theory about influenza and natural immunity. I have always believed that getting a case of the flu every 7-8 years or so is the best protection against getting it yearly. What, you say? Read this Blog published by the New York Times to understand this concept of natural immunity better. The basics are that when you get the flu your body is equipped for sometime afterwards to naturally defend its self against the current mutation or strain. This immunity will last until the virus has mutated to an entirely unrecognizable version and your body will again be susceptible. This is a natural phenomenon that keeps us healthy and gives us "natural immunity". Great design! Thanks evolution! Be that as it may when we do get the flu, we can sail through it easier with the help of the wonderful world of homeopathy. Engystol is a homeopathic remedy available for injection, which must be prescribed by a physician. At Aesthetic and Medical of Scottsdale, Dr Kristi Norris, NMd. provides both the consult and injection for those who desire a safer and more effective alternative than the traditional and less than effective vaccines. Engystol is a clinically proven antiviral and immune stimulant with efficacy demonstrated both in a preventing the flu AND influenza-like-illness, the common cold, Herpes simplex, and RSV or Respiratory Syncytial Virus. The NCBI provides this research abstract with supporting documentation on the efficacy of this healthier option. Since the Engystol homeopathic is an immune booster it can also be used to treat the flu once you get it. When you do get the flu! - Basic 101 survival
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June 2024