What is the vagus nerve and why is everyone talking about it?
Everyone is talking about it because modern research has lead to a the understanding that Taoist Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Old School Naturopathic practitioners have always understood....enervation of the nervous system is the underlying cause of most illness.
How did your vagus nerve become dis'regulated and lose tone?
Why are we hearing so much about the vagus nerves these days?
The unfortunate side of it is the fact that there's so many snake oil profiteers making money from the process of improving vagus tone and not all is beneficial. This goes to back to my litany..."there is no magic pill". Including the myriad of therapies and manipulative techniques that are being offered for a variety of health issues. I say this and yet I am holding a class and creating a video on just that subject. However, my approach as always comes from the understanding that ultimately you are your best healer. As a Wellness Educator I am interested in one thing primarily: to give my clients and readers tools that they can use to be happy and be able to enjoy their life for a lifetime! A return to age old adage..."a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is in order. In Taoist and Traditional Chinese Medicine getting sick is the failure of the practitioner and patient...period!! The aim in these approaches is ALWAYS to PREVENT, rather than to treat. Within my wellness practice I employ a common sense perspective with emphasis on what Taoist Medicine refers to as Yang Sheng. Through these teachings I am offering empowerment to my readers and clients which is certainly more precious than anything in this world! With that in mind read on..... Healthcare and prevention through Taoist teachings Taoism predates Traditional Chinese Medicine as the oldest healing tradition on the planet. Taoism is a purely observational understanding that cannot be simply categorized as a religion, philosophy or medical system. Taoist perspectives arise from the desire to live long, work out and prevent karmic debt. Wherein the expansion of awareness which leads to higher consciousness is considered the primary goal of one's life. All Taoist practices of self care arise from this notion and are collectively called Yangsheng Yangsheng provides all the tools one needs to heal vagus nerve functionality and restore the body to an improved state of wellbeing. It is the cornerstone of my wellness practice with Bridge to Health..."Breathing, Sleeping, Laughing and Pooping" are the emphasis with all new clients. Once we establish these foundational adjustments most health challenges fade including lack of vagus nerve tone. Clients find themselves simply enjoying life more. Yangsheng derives from the the Huangdi Neijing (nei / jing defines as control of one's life energy) which is considered the oldest medical manuscript. It dates back to between 4,000 - 5,000 years. Describes within its contents is a complete system of self care. It promotes the understanding that one is able to maintain optimal biological functionality at any age. It is interesting to note that many of the principles of Taoist Medicine have become the topic of numerous scientific Western studies. Researchers have time and again proven what the Taoist had discovered long ago. We are fortunate that through the lineages of Taoist teaching to have access to this profound information. What is Yangsheng?
Western mindset failings have lead to the immature outlook of the average person in our culture!
Conversely Yangsheng promotes awareness as the primary healing tool. Diligence and commitment to one's own wellbeing as central to a well lived life. That self love is a spiritual and moral obligation of the individual as well as a duty to one's family. The Yangsheng approach encompasses a variety of self care disciplines including
Yangsheng promotes the ideal of what I call..."finding the middle path". Extremes in any form such as over indulgence in food or alcohol, over exercising or working, excessive and obsessive sexual activity, irregular hours, falling into strong unchecked emotional patterns are all discouraged as these activities "burn" or dissipate one's qi leading to imbalance and inevitably symptoms! The cultivation of a quiet mind and strong Shen/Spirit are at the heart of cultivating one's ability to enjoy life.....being truly happy and healthy. "Healing the Vagus Nerve / How to be Happier"an upcoming event at the Awaken and Evolve Learning Center 9:00 - 1:00 / Feb. 24th 2024 This experience provides an opportunity to become initiated into Yangsheng as a wiser approach to your own self care. Sign-up today Subscribe to our Awaken & Evolve / Learn & Heal YouTube Channel for upcoming video shorts covering Yangsheng and other topics www.vagaro.com/bridgetohealthwellness/servicesLearn more about: Vanessa Goldeen , Bridge to Health, Wellness Support, Learn & Heal Consult
FDA WARNING: Vanessa Goldeen does not diagnose, treat or prescribe for any disease or medical condition.
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June 2024