![]() Chronic constipation is nearly the norm in modern societies. But, what exactly is constipation...how do we define it? con·sti·pa·tion| ˌkänstəˈpāSH(ə)n | noun * A condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated with hardened feces. * A high level of restriction; a pronounced lack of ease. Constipation is defined by transit time. Essentially from the time you ingest food until it comes out as stool should ideally be within 24-48 hours. Anything longer than that and you are constipated. Anything time shorter than that you may have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is a variation of constipation with the same treatment protocols. See the PDF below for a test to determine your transit time. Chronic constipation effects more than 20% of the US populations and is as common in children, teens adults and the elderly. For those who care for the elderly it is critical to pay daily attention to their bowel functions and seek professional help from someone who can bring a healthy solution to the problem. In my practice I have seen that MD's and Emergency Rooms are not equipped with a proper understanding to solve impaction or chronic constipation. They often recommend products that will cause the colon to balloon above the impaction with disastrous results! Bridge to Health offers Emergency Colonics for situations in which a client is impacted. Why is constipation a problem.....
Learn more about colon function read this article Those who suffer from chronic constipation experience these common symptoms...
What are the causes of chronic constipation?
Is it possible to reverse chronic constipation? Yes, but with all things related to the manifestation of symptoms, we must first be willing to understand that the symptom is the body talking to you....what is your body saying it needs? Just what does it need? The answers can be very individual, but there are tendencies and patterns that I often see in my Wellness and Colon Hydrotherapy practices. Explore the Pooping 101 and Chronic Constipation/IBS Recovery Protocols What will help alleviate chronic constipation?
Bridge to Health offers Online Courses to teach you how to Learn & Heal. If you are uncertain your constipation issue is chronic consider purchasing a Learn and Heal Consult with Vanessa Goldeen Certified Wellness Consultant and I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. FDA Warning: This information is for education only and is not meant to diagnose, treat or prescribe for any disease or medical condition ![]()
Do this protocol for 1 month, if no change occurs in your bowel movements we need to go to phase two!
Contact me for a Wellness Consultation Vanessa Goldeen Bridge to Health A Commonsense Approach to Wellness Certified Wellness Consultant / I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist / Certified Chi Nei Tsang Practitioner 805-235-8071 |
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