Sleep is truly our built in healer. Of course, today you can find yards and yards of research on the benefits of sleep, but is that information helping you SLEEP? There are a myriad of sleep aids from natural herbal and nutritional sleep supports to addictive sleep drugs which do not give you healthy sleep. You can have a sleep study done, which will tell what you already know...if you're like the average American, you are not getting ENOUGH SLEEP. We search for the seemingly elusive answer to our lack of sleep but for most of us the information does not translate into actual sleep! The answer to good sleep lies in a basic common sense understanding about what the body can deal with and what it cannot. During a recent workshop as a part of my Chi Nei Tsang training, Gilles Marin laid out succinctly what is the obvious answer when one really thinks about it. The average person lives in a body charged with adrenaline and deplete in serotonin which makes normal healthy sleep patterns impossible. At this workshop he gave us a simple exercise to restore the balance of serotonin which in turn leads to increased production of melatonin paving the way for sleep. SEE BELOW FOR INSTRUCTIONS. Interestingly, this ties into what I have been saying for years...we do not get enough sun! Sun stimulates the production of many hormonal processes, including most especially the production of melatonin and in turn produces the vitamin D supply so essential to hormonal function. Oh no, you all GASP! The sun gives you skin cancer. Yes, if you don't have a healthy tan, that can happen. The production of melatonin from moderate sun exposure protects the skin from burning and makes it possible for you to receive your daily dose of healthy sun without fear. Twenty minutes a day is all you need to support melatonin and vitamin D production, YOU CAN DO THAT! FYI, the best way to protect your kids from too much sun is not to have them out for longer than 20 minutes, after that cover up, long sleeves, hats, you know the basics! How did we get to this fear of the sun? From sunscreen manufacturers who promote to use of sunscreen. Sunscreens block the healing benefits of sunbathing and the production of vitamin D. Use of sunscreen misleads us by implying it's safe to be in the sun for hours. Longer unsafe exposure equals higher rates of skin and other cancers. The dangers of a lack of vitamin D is well documented. So we reach for another manufactured answer...vitamin D supplementation! GOOD GRIEF! It's a crazy catch-22! WE cannot replace or recreate what the natural body can do all on it's own, if you give it the chance! So why the seque? Increasing vitamin D, improves calcium utilization. Calcium is the calming nutrient that supports healthy adrenal glands and kidney energy. Getting a little sun daily makes for a lively and healthy you with a beautiful sun glow! You'll FEEL BETTER AND ENJOY LIFE MORE which is the objective of HEALING! Americans are among the most sleep deprived people in the world! We don’t take the time to rest. We pay the price with stress related disorders and a sense of low level exhaustion that we try to recover from by drinking caffeine and eating chocolate and sugar in the afternoon to pick us up. And..slef medicating at night in an effort to sleep!
Watch Karyn’s sun gazing demo on IG TV @holistic_hottie This conversation is all about ways to improve your sleep and enjoy life more!
Restoring healthy levels of serotonin are the key to sleeping well and enjoying life more! If you or someone you love is having chronic sleep difficulties consider a Become a client by purchasing the Learn and Heal Consult Bridge to Health's Restoring Sleep Basic Wellness Support will help you evolve into sleeping better and enjoying life more! ![]() Why does sun gazing help with sleep? We are a nation of adrenaline junkies. Coffee, Red Bulls, Matcha, rushing through our day, never feeling like it all gets done! YIKES, that's not enjoying life. This pattern of over stimulation is made further worse by eating fast, being on devices such as computers, pads and phones all day long. No wonder we cannot sleep! The end result is depletion of serotonin and ensuing depression! Serotonin works to promote the production of melatonin, essential to healthy sleep. When we sun gaze, the sun's rays penetrate the eye lids, stimulating the pineal gland through the optic nerve. This small, but powerful gland initiates the process of melatonin production. Once you get the pineal gland back on line you will gradually begin to have better sleep. Take the deeper, "Enhancing Pineal Function through Light Therapy" Blog Attention females! You can also stimulate more serotonin by making sure you get plenty of girl time. Women produce more serotonin when the gab it up with their gal pals! Men do not possess this skill, but they do get to pee standing up! It all balances out! Along with sun gazing here are some other healthy habits to promote better sleep.
Those who are depressed may worry about sleeping too much. The excessive sleeping of depression is an indication that the brain and body need to heal. Perhaps taking some time off to just sleep would be a good curative for the depression. HMM!
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