![]() You're hearing it everywhere, but it's not new news! Commonsense tells us, if we are having issue chronic with our digestion and elimination, something is wrong. Gut health... you may be asking why are so many people having problems with their guts? Well, there are many factors that go into this equation.
Chronic health and immunity conditions are widely varied, but the root cause is the same. We see such a wide range of symptoms and manifestations because each individual is susceptible where they are genetically the weakest. Something you should know about digestion. Stress and trauma hinder digestion. Saliva dries up when the body is in fight or flight. When a person is experiencing high stress or chronic PTSD symptoms their food does not get properly saturated with digestive enzymes of the mouth. The food arrives at the stomach already behind in the digestion production line. The stomach, also affected by fight or flight is not producing enough stomach acids to further breakdown the food you have eaten. Now this undigested mass of liquified food enters the small intestinal tract where it's meant to ferment with the aid of your healthy probiotics. If you are probiotic deficient or out of balance with a high level of not so helpful bacteria, undigested food molecules are absorbed into the blood stream where your immune system sees them as invaders. This is the root of the problem. Over years your immune system becomes taxed and symptoms start. Again, where you are weakest you'll start having symptoms such as food allergies, sleep disorders, fatigue, bowel issues all the way down to serious autoimmune disorders and diseases. It all starts right there in your mouth. Okay here's the GOOD NEWS....YOU HAVE A CHOICE! You have the choice to say no to a way of life that will inevitably lead to chronic health problems and premature aging. This message is not just for the over 40 crowd because the greatest number of victims are kids, young kids! Many suffer with "spectrum disorders" of a wide range. Research and commonsense can agree these conditions are PREVENTABLE. Here's the BAD NEWS... If you are suffering from chronic auto-immune disorders, spectrum disorders, IBS, rheumatoid conditions or any other long term health issue, you will have to MAKE CHANGES IN YOUR LIFESTYLE AND FOOD CHOICES in order to heal. It will take a diligent effort and long term commitment to change not only the way you eat, but also the type of medicine you choose and most importantly...THE WAY YOU THINK! If you believe you are unable to change and heal, you won't! Here's another important factor about gut health. A poorly functioning digestive system equals a poorly functioning brain. We now know that the gut has as many neural pathways and the brain, that a lot! The 'gut feeling" is no myth. Our intuition derives from our gut where we sense and feel the world around us. When this ability is impaired we are unable to trust ourselves or others. That tends to make us nervous and edgy or even panicky in many cases. Researches are now on the trail of gut health as a major contributor to mental health issues from depression to manic/depressive disorders. How, you ask can the gut be HEALED? By diligently unraveling the symptoms down to the source of your immune susceptibility and getting to the root cause one can begin to find resolution of even long standing symptoms. This process is not a magic pill or bullet, but it will do much to improve the quality of life for many people. With this in mind, Bridge to Health is excited to offer a new addition to our on-line Detoxes, Restoring the Gut! This on-line detox offers an affordable and complete guideline to tried and true steps to restoring gut health. With a little courage and determination, one can do much to improve one's health and life! It is recommended that you review the Restoring the Gut Protocol with your physician or principle health care professional. Modification may be required to adapt the plan to your individual needs. Schedule a free 15 minute phone consult with Certified Wellness Consultant, Vanessa Goldeen to learn more about how the Restoring the Gut Detox may help you. Purchase Restore the Gut Online Protocol
![]() The genus Echinacea has ten species, commonly called coneflowers. They are found only in eastern and central North America, where they grow in moist to dry prairies, grasslands and open wooded areas and many gardens as well! They have large, showy composite flowers and bloom from early to late summer. Echinacea purpurea is the medicinal herb from this Asteraceae family. It is a perennial medicinal herb with important immuno-stimulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, especially the alleviation of cold and flu symptoms. Echinacea is a go to to build immunity especially during the winter months. All parts of the plant are used. When purchasing echinacea bulk as tinctures or capsules, you'll want to be sure it's the whole plant; leaf, flower, seeds and root being used for maximum benefit. This herbs is best used as a tonic starting in the late part of summer or very early fall. Used in this way it is able to help boost T-cell production and boost your immune system. Echinacea works well in combinations with other herbs such as goldenseal, astragalus and other herbs that support immunity and detoxification. Since inflammation is an integral part of compromised immunity, echinacea benefits those suffering from any autoimmune disorders which present with inflammation as a byproduct of the immune system imbalance. In recent years cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy have been proven to benefit from the infection protection echinacea offers! Echinacea is now being widely studied to document claims that natural healers and herbalist have known about for many years. It's a true homegrown healer for those of us in the North American Continent! Here are some of my favorite echinacea products and producers. Herb Pharm - since 1979! Herb Pharm offers this package of winter must haves, Immune Collection Traditional Medicinals makes this great tea! Echinacea Plus In times past I had to make my own tinctures, but with todays modern methods of standardization you really cannot beat products manufactured by reputable companies such as these two. |
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June 2024