The microbe is nothing, the matrix is everything... My recent experience over the past few years has brought me into contact with many folks dealing with ongoing microbial infections, in particular Lyme. Lyme disease seems to have been burgeoning in recent years. But, it has been with us for a long time as an undetected and often misdiagnosed illness. A number of medical professional are now understanding this is a real illness and although it seems to elude treatment, it is indeed treatable. Many folks have gone undiagnosed for many years and can really end up in a serious spot with a symphony of symptoms that seem to define understanding. It is important to note that of all the population that may carry Lyme bacteria and other co-infections, only approximately 30% -35% of the population become symptomatic. Why is this, is the question? In my experience almost everyone who becomes symptomatic have experienced undue levels of stress, burned the candle at both ends for too long, possible addiction issues with drugs or alcohol, aging, junk food, not enough sleep, etc.. All these things lower the immune response making one susceptible to infections. All pathogenic microbes and viruses are parasitic in nature..... Meaning they are more able to get a foothold in a body that is suffering from enervation/adrenal fatigue, is toxic, overweight, undernourished. This ties into the basic tenant of naturopathic medicine of yester years in which the understanding of the day, believed the microbe is nothing, the matrix that allows the microbe to proliferate is everything! In our modern world we are indeed challenged to maintain a healthy microbiome and strong immunity that can fend off microbial invasions. Overuse of antibiotics and general genetic decline attributable to poor nutrition and tissue clogging fast and convenience foods are a sure fire recipe to find oneself in trouble. The blog post, State of Health and Wellness in America goes into depth about this phenomenon. Many folks with Lyme and the myriad of other bacterial or fungal infections may have been suffering for many years before they finally receive a valid diagnosis. They have gone untreated or mistreated from the wrong thing, sunken into a morass of symptoms and residual side effects from prescription medication. Like a tangled chain it seems impossible to sort it all out. Intensive heroic allopathic measures are often the treatment option that is best suited when someone has first contracted Lyme, however most people are not aware of the initial onset event. Antibiotic and antifungal treatments eventually imbalance the body's natural ecology pushing the patient into deeper symptoms. Beyond these heroic measure one must learn to support improved immunity to ultimately vanquish these invisible foes. Bacterial infections can be eradicated, but in the case of Lyme and it's coinfections success is often found in finding an equilibrium that allows one to live as symptom free as possible. Botanical offer powerful healing support from bacterial and viral infections The botanicals below are useful for many types of infections. I have used a number of them over the past forty years in which I have been able to stay antibiotic free by treating infection with sound natural therapies and fasting. Nature provides us abundantly with sources of healing potential. The list below includes link to research documentation for a deeper level of confidence!
The gallery below offers links to purchase the botanical above. Click on the image, the link will activate. These botanicals are potent medicine and are best used under the direction of a ND, Wellness Practitioner or experienced Herbalist. Acute infections require immediate stronger dosages. For those with chronic infections it's advisable to start with a low dose and build up to the maximum dose over a period of a week to 10 days. If no adverse reactions occur move onto the next option.
It is important to note that you may begin to experience herxing or die-off reactions as these herbs begin to affect the bacterial growth. To prevent excessive herxing, back down dosage, if symptoms lighten or abate, it was die-off and not an adverse reaction.You may need to consult with your ND, MD or Wellness Consultant to determine if you are having a reaction or die-off symptoms. To learn more about how these herbs may benefit you with your health challenges connect with Certified Wellness Consultant and Educator Vanessa Goldeen, see the booking link below and schedule your Free 15 Minute Phone Consult today! Also learn more about Adaptogens. Powerful herbs and fungi sources that help modulate immunity, endocrine balance and reduce inflammation. WARNING: If you are under the care of a medical provider, it is crucial that you review any recommendations with them before integrating them into you lifestyle. Recommendations on this blog are not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions.
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