Liver Reboot and Restore Protocol

Welcome to the Liver Reboot and Restore Protocol Page.
This protocol includes 1 hour of Wellness Consultation time with Certified Wellness Consultant Vanessa Goldeen. This allows her to individualize your program as everyone is different and the liver issues you may be having also vary. It is crucial that the protocol be fine tuned to meet your needs. If you have a liver diagnosis we need to know what we're dealing with in order to help you move toward an evolutions of healing and lifestyle. Additional questions can be posted to the Protocol Forum page...this is a quick connect link to that page
There are many books on the market that offer a one size fits all approach to health issues including liver issues. Many have tried and failed at some of these programs, because they weren't necessarily right for you...and lack personal guidance.
This protocol is also ideal for ANYONE who simply wants to improve their health.
This protocol includes 1 hour of Wellness Consultation time with Certified Wellness Consultant Vanessa Goldeen. This allows her to individualize your program as everyone is different and the liver issues you may be having also vary. It is crucial that the protocol be fine tuned to meet your needs. If you have a liver diagnosis we need to know what we're dealing with in order to help you move toward an evolutions of healing and lifestyle. Additional questions can be posted to the Protocol Forum page...this is a quick connect link to that page
There are many books on the market that offer a one size fits all approach to health issues including liver issues. Many have tried and failed at some of these programs, because they weren't necessarily right for you...and lack personal guidance.
This protocol is also ideal for ANYONE who simply wants to improve their health.
Understanding your liver, it's many functions and the role it plays in detoxification:
- The liver is an essential organ of the body that performs over 500 vital functions.
- Produces albumin a protein that keeps fluids in the bloodstream from leaking into surrounding tissue.
- It also transports hormones, vitamins, and enzymes through the body.
- Produces bile a fluid that is critical to the digestion and absorption of fats in the small intestine.
- Filters the blood removing toxins, byproducts, and other harmful substances.
- The liver makes sure amino acid levels in the bloodstream remain healthy.
- Regulates blood clotting coagulants using vitamin K.
- As part of the filtering process, the liver also removes bacteria from the bloodstream.
- The liver stores significant amounts of vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12, as well as iron and copper.
- Control glucose (sugar) levels removing excess from the bloodstream, stores it as glycogen. Which it will release when needed.
Healing the liver is a process.....
I want to drive this point home. MANY MD's and other credentialed people have published books out on liver detoxing that include rather aggressive ridgid programs with specific steps, claiming if you follow these plans you will restore your liver in a short time...They are akin to the many "diet" programs in the self help section of the bookstores. We all know how well that works!
Don't get me wrong, the liver is an organ whose ability to repair is exceptional, but the best path to a healthy liver is an evolution of lifestyle versus a "one size fits all" regime.
Every person's body is different and each body will respond in certain ways. It is crucial to have a program you can follow easily. Using the Protocol Forum as a place to ask questions and get answers builds in an extra value to this program.
We also offer, Ongoing Wellness Support a monthly membership program that allows you more personalized support.
- This protocol is a basic foundation for rebuilding liver health.
- It is not an extreme detox.
- It is an evolution in lifestyle that will support the healing of your liver, improving overall function and detoxifying the body in general.
I want to drive this point home. MANY MD's and other credentialed people have published books out on liver detoxing that include rather aggressive ridgid programs with specific steps, claiming if you follow these plans you will restore your liver in a short time...They are akin to the many "diet" programs in the self help section of the bookstores. We all know how well that works!
Don't get me wrong, the liver is an organ whose ability to repair is exceptional, but the best path to a healthy liver is an evolution of lifestyle versus a "one size fits all" regime.
Every person's body is different and each body will respond in certain ways. It is crucial to have a program you can follow easily. Using the Protocol Forum as a place to ask questions and get answers builds in an extra value to this program.
We also offer, Ongoing Wellness Support a monthly membership program that allows you more personalized support.

Anatomy of the Liver
Included here is the anatomy of the abdominal cavity. You can see the position of the liver, its relationship to the stomach and the pancreas. The liver is located on the left side of the body, positioned mostly under the rib cage with the lower lobe palpable just below the ribs in some individuals.
Liver congestion will present as pain in this region, or in the sternum the bone of the breast plate to lower left. There is a major acupuncture point for the liver meridian in this location.
Congestion of the liver, and the gallbladder are at the heart of most digestive issues, many auto-immunity problems and chronic constipation. One who is experiencing liver congestion will feel this as a sense of fullness, swelling or general sense of being run down. Other people will not experience these warning issues other than the fact that they have allergies, skin troubles, and other symptoms that are part of the congested liver cascade.
Read Healthy Liver: Key to Healing for more info.
Included here is the anatomy of the abdominal cavity. You can see the position of the liver, its relationship to the stomach and the pancreas. The liver is located on the left side of the body, positioned mostly under the rib cage with the lower lobe palpable just below the ribs in some individuals.
Liver congestion will present as pain in this region, or in the sternum the bone of the breast plate to lower left. There is a major acupuncture point for the liver meridian in this location.
Congestion of the liver, and the gallbladder are at the heart of most digestive issues, many auto-immunity problems and chronic constipation. One who is experiencing liver congestion will feel this as a sense of fullness, swelling or general sense of being run down. Other people will not experience these warning issues other than the fact that they have allergies, skin troubles, and other symptoms that are part of the congested liver cascade.
Read Healthy Liver: Key to Healing for more info.
Common causes of liver congestion
- Over the counter pain medications particularly acetaminophen (Tylenol and others).
- Most prescription medications, especially statins used to control cholesterol.
- Alcohol consumption, even moderately if it's regular.
- Congestive heart disease contributes to low blood flow which ultimately affects all the organs including the liver.
- Hepatitis, A, B & C. Those who have suffered with hepatitis are at greater risk for liver damage. Visit the CDC website to learn more about Hepatitis and its various forms, What is Viral Hepatitis?
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease..which boils down to poor diet and lifestyle affecting the liver.
Recovery - Understanding that something has to change is key
The following are all things that tax the liver....
When your liver is not happy, you cannot be happy either. A congested liver makes one cranky, irritable, tired and brain fogged.
- Excessive alcohol consumption. Many folks underestimate how much alcohol they consume per week. Dr Javid Abdelmoneim produced an excellent documentary "The Truth About Alcohol" (which is available for viewing on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. It illustrates the denial phenom of alcohol consumption! Tracking his own consumption and interviewing researchers and drinkers of all ages, this film sheds light on what is perhaps the number self medication tool!
- JUNK FOOD. I believe we all know what junk food is! Fried foods, foods that contain trans fats, highly processed foods, white bread, pastas, crackers, chips, processed cheese, GMO foods, frozen meals, processed meats such as hot dogs, bologna, salami, ice cream (especially those with added fillers, gums, corn syrup, artificial flavors, etc..).
- Fad diets, extreme detoxes, HCG Weight Loss Programs, eating dogmatically based on a notion, such as keto, vegan, no carb,
- Overworking....exhaustion makes a good night's sleep impossible. A rested body is able to detox properly, the body uses more energy to sleep than it does in your waking hours!
- Caffeine is hard on the liver. Add all the sugar of the coffee barista shops and you're doing even more damage.
- Sugar and artificial sweeteners. Sugar increases inflammation. Artificial sweeteners are poison!
- Lack of exercise and over exercising. Both are harmful. Lack of exercise is a symptom of being toxic. You just don't have the energy to get out and enjoy moving your body. Over exercising leads to inflammation, dehydration and an overly acidic body.
When your liver is not happy, you cannot be happy either. A congested liver makes one cranky, irritable, tired and brain fogged.
Things that help the liver...
- Whole foods. This means veggies, fruits, whole grains, eggs, moderate intake of fish, meats, healthy fats and fresh herbs.
- Getting to bed earlier, by 9:00 PM. Americans are the most sleep deprived and suffer more sleeping disorders than any other country. The body can't heal if you're not sleeping.
- Systematic detoxification, slowly over time improving your health and wellbeing as a EVOLUTION not a regime. Read "Why Detoxify" for a better understanding of this process. When you detox you'll begin to want to move your body.
- Appreciating yourself. Behind the liver congestion is often an underlying sense of not being able to truly love yourself. Zero Point Process is a helpful modality that teaches you tools to clear out what may be holding you back from fully loving yourself. Learn more "Unlocking What May be Holding You Back"
- Toxic Relationships. This goes hand in hand with not loving yourself. It may seem impossible to get away from toxic relationships, but once you open to self love things will begin to resolve naturally. Simply notice the affect people are having on you by breathing into your body as you begin to feel that toxic energy pull!
- Feeling ashamed or guilty about your life choices to this point....REGRET. This emotional state does not serve us well, unless we acknowledge, experience it, digest it and then you'll be able to move on.
The Protocol
Foundations for a Healthy Liver
Lifestyle Changes:
Lifestyle Changes:
- Improving Sleep... is the single most crucial element to improving health. Follow the recommendations in the "Sleep like a Baby" blog including doing daily sun gazing to increase serotonin.
- Exercising...Daily moderate exercise is more important than heavy workouts. If you have been ill, depressed or overweight this may be a challenge. Start small with a walk around the block, some stretching or working on an fitness ball, bouncing and stretching. This is excellent to move lymphatic fluid through the body. Learn more about why this is important.
- Eliminate alcohol from your lifestyle. If social drinking is your thing, spend some time forgoing socializing while you're working on recovery. Alcohol is the most damaging substance for a liver that needs help. Later you can enjoy moderate drinking. If it's more challenging than you thought to give alcohol up, you may need support. The Substances Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration Helpline offers connections to support groups and services throughout the USA. Very Well Mind, an organization dedicated to providing guidance to improve mental health offers an overview on support groups for alcohol issues, "Best Online Sobriety Support Groups"
- STOP EATING JUNK FOOD.... this is not as easy as one would like it to be. The dietary plan provides a 1 week mini detox each week to reduce cravings for junk foods and sugar.
- Monthly Detox....each month of the three months you are dedicating to your liver's recovery will include eating only fresh fruits and vegetables for 7 days each month. In the beginning you may only be able to do 1 day of all fruits and veggies, that's okay. Do that. every week for the first month. If you can do three days to start with...hooray, that's an improvement! Some of you may be able to do a whole week! Go for it. This means eating as much as you like for the whole week, salads, Weight Loss Soup, bone broth,baked potatoes, yams, steamed, sauteed or baked veggies. Fruit and veggie juice, smoothies with superfood powders (see the shopping guide below) added for extra umphh! Sprouts, wheat grass. Try new things - plan ahead - shop, you'll actually have to go to the store and get food. This alone can be a challenge. If prepping food is not your thing there are local services that will deliver wholesome plant based meals to you.
- Whole Foods......the remainder of the month you will be eating a whole foods diet of whatever is most appealing to you. Continue with the fruit and veggies of the Detox Week, adding small portions of wild fish, organic, grass feed or wild meats. Whole grains you tolerate well. If you have gut issues you may want to avoid gluten for now as well as quinoa, amaranth as they can be challenging to digest. Eggs in moderation. Fats should focus on olive oil, avocado oil, MCT oil, small amounts of butter. Keep meals regular, don't over eat...enjoy your food, take the time to sit down and eat. Plan ahead to have meals to take to work or find a local restaurant with a whole foods focus.