Taoist principles of Yang Sheng developed and canonized over 5,000 year ago serve us still today. More than ever in our modern times wisdom such as this helps and supports our ability to ENJOY LIFE MORE! Yang Sheng, is at the heart of evolving into the shifts that support improvement in the foundational aspect of focus in my wellness practice and the subject of my impending book... "Breathing, Sleeping Laughing and Pooping... a common sense guide to getting and staying healthy" which focuses on those 4 essential biological processes. Improvements in these areas shifts the microbiology and folks just start to feel better! When we "feel" better life becomes easier, less challenging, less overwhelming. We have buoyancy...spark! Digestion and sleep improve, the endocrine system lights up, blood is less toxic and more oxygenated. We evolve into a sense of being more connected to ourselves as a natural outcome of self love...nourishing yourself. Within the laboratory of my wellness practice this understanding took shape through the observation that most everyone with physical complaints is having trouble in these basic body function. Briefly...
The majority of people who come to see me have searched for answers from the medical world.. including naturopathic doctors as well, to no avail! ![]() Why is this so? Medicine segments our body and mind, offering support through "specialists" and predominantly medications or medical interventions. Even ND's are leaning on prescriptions of meds and nutritional supports which are manufactured primarily by pharmaceutical companies who divined the growing profitability of this source of "pseudo medication" How they arrived at this not general helpful posture is a complex subject which I dive into in my article "The State of Wellness in America" What I offer clients is knowledge that brings relief... Educating them about how the body works and what it needs to be happy is key. As they move along they begin to learn the truth...the body is smarter than the brain. They gradual begin to be able to hear what the subtle and not so subtle messages of the body are saying. Symptoms indicate one certain thing... something needs to change. Our united goal is to figure out what that is. Finding the root cause of symptoms can be tricky but with diligence it is doable. This journey is one of wonder in which the most stubborn symptom may clear over night, simply because a client's has arrived into a state of happiness. My part is to guide and support this personal evolution of awareness and expansion of self love. Yang sheng is for all intents and purposes focused self care. The Taoist understandings derive from the observation of the world around and within us. Their intention is to, in the words of Spock,"live long and prosper"! Through the cultivation of good health they increase longevity in order to make as much spiritual progress toward an awareness of the Divine within us, as the true self. To this end they developed the most powerful forms of energy cultivation and a system of nourishing the body called Yang Sheng.This form of practice developed 1000's of years ago during the Dynasty of the Great Yellow Emperor and is still practice today! Understanding and practice of Yang Sheng includes...
Yang Sheng practice put us in touch with our body...the most powerful source of information available to you about you and what you need. When we are disconnected from ourselves our biology goes haywire! Yang Sheng centers on finding the MIDDLE PATH What is the Middle Path? Being gentle with yourself and others, kindness and self acceptance Taking time to gain perspective, developing an ability to see the bigger picture Accepting responsibility for yourself and your actions, forgiving others and self Being aware of what you need and cultivating the ability to do that. Willingness to learn and evolve and grow emotionally Where do we start?
The Yang Sheng mindset...
![]() Get the book! "Yang Sheng the Art of Chinese Healing" by Katie Brindle is a delightfully written and illustrated book that will support your practice of Yang Sheng. I was so pleased when I found Katie's book...one less book I needed to write! She developed this book as a tool for her own clients and it is in my top three books I recommend to everyone who finds support with me. For all who suffer my prayers abide!
Utilizing focus on supporting the physical body combine with the practices of Yang Sheng..nourishing life! Join our community of “Bridge Crossers” today! As a Wellness Consultant and Educator I provide support with the healing process through a variety of modalities and offers services remotely and locally in Scottsdale Arizona Experience Opportunities Shift Your Energy and Renew, Restore and Recover are available for a jump start toward a life filled with nourishment for body & soul! Wellness Support / About Vanessa I can help you Learn and Heal to stay healthy for a lifetime Find us IG: @scottsdalebridge2health YouTube: @awakenandevolve Bridge to Health Awaken & Evolve Learning Center
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June 2024